The best story ever?

Hola people,

Today I wrote a story and I thought I should post it on my blog post. Here you go:


                                                                                                             “Fading Echoes”

In the quiet corners of a forgotten library, where dust motes danced in the slanting sunlight, there lived an old man named Samuel. His gnarled hands traced the spines of ancient books, seeking solace in their yellowed pages. Samuel was a keeper of memories, a custodian of stories that time had nearly erased.

His favourite tale was one he’d never shared with anyone—a secret whispered only to the flickering candle flames. It was the story of Eleanor, the love he’d lost long ago.

Eleanor had been a painter, her brush strokes capturing the hues of dawn and the melancholy of twilight. Her eyes held galaxies, and her laughter echoed like wind chimes in a forgotten garden. Samuel met her on a rainy afternoon, when the world seemed to weep alongside them. Their love bloomed like fragile petals, fragile yet fierce.

They wandered through cobblestone streets, hand in hand, weaving dreams into the fabric of their days. Samuel would recite poetry, and Eleanor would laugh, her eyes crinkling at the corners. They promised each other eternity—a promise etched in the bark of an ancient oak, where they carved their initials.

But life, cruel and capricious, had other plans. Eleanor fell ill, her laughter replaced by raspy coughs. Samuel watched helplessly as her vibrant colours faded, leaving behind a muted canvas. He held her frail form, whispering love into her ear, but even love couldn’t halt the inexorable march of time.

On a grey morning, Eleanor slipped away, leaving Samuel with memories as fragile as spun glass. He returned to their oak tree, tracing the initials with trembling fingers. The once-bold letters were now weathered, like his heart.

Samuel continued to visit the library, seeking solace in the forgotten stories. He wondered if Eleanor’s laughter still echoed in the rafters, if her spirit lingered among the dusty shelves. Perhaps she was a whisper in the rustling pages, a fading echo of love.

And so, Samuel spent his days—a silent guardian of memories, a keeper of love lost. He never remarried, never sought another’s touch. Instead, he clung to Eleanor’s 

ghost, hoping that someday, their initials would merge into eternity once more.

I hope this tale touched your heart, even if it brought tears. Life’s sad stories remind us of our shared humanity—the ache of love and loss that binds us all.

Treasure Hunt of ME.

Hello everyone .  Today we were doing a scavenger hunt about ourself.  So this is what I did.

What was difficult?- I couldn’t find myself when I was searching myslef on google.                                                                                                             What was easy? – Writing the thing I knew and that didn’t need to be searched.



My reading degree .


Every year my school has this thing called reading degree. You basically read books the do the activity and complete the tasks.

I will show you one of my slides that I did.

Does your school have something similar like this?


My introduction in a diffrent lanuguage.

Hello people,

A few weeks ago my school had a cultal celebration called samon language week.

We had gotten lots of samoan activitys during the week. My task was to introduce myself in the samona language.

Heres the link:

Have you ever did an activity in a diffrent language?

Thank you!

The best Taylor swift presentation?

Hello eveyone.

At my school we have this thing called Learning areas. Its bacically the whole school going to diffrent classes to learn diffrent subjects like p.e, science, art, drama etc.

This time I had music class and my techer had told my class to do a presntation on a famous celebrity.

So this is what I did:

DMIC independent maths task.

Hiii today our whole class did DMIC math tasks. I paired up with my two friends and we worked together.

Reflection: I learnt how to multiply and divide with large numbers.

My challenges were Using faractions to solve a 4 digit number.

I would like to improve on Using faractions to solve a 4 digit number.

Thank you for reading my post!